Sensual & Material Pleasures?
"Ernest Hemingway once claimed that there were only three important things in his life: war, wine, and women. He had them all, but in...
Aim? Goal?
The practice of Mindfulness is motivated by a universal human wish to know: "What is this?" "Who am I?" Mindfulness practice is about...
Equanimity Contemplation
Each time we get upset & judgmental about others' or our own behaviour, we may benefit by remembering: We're all the same in three basic...
Walls & Speed Bumps
Even when we wholeheartedly wish to achieve or procede towards a worthy goal, we encounter obstacles to slow our "progress", or even...
Self-reflection - Why Delay?
Some of us suspect that deep down inside, we're nasty, "rotten to the core", and thus have a true aversion to any form of introspection....
Thoughts in Perspective
Thoughts are sometimes described "as writing on water, in essence empty, insubstantial, and transient. I love that. Skywriting is another...
Gentle Untangling
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we practise to deceive!" Walter Scott Meditation practice is the opposite - a process of...
When Pain is Unbearable
Pain of varying severity, whether it seems to primarily arise from the body or the mind, is inevitable. Physical pain can be so intense...
Mindfulness Encapsulated
"Paying attention WITH an open heart." Melissa Myozen Blacker The rest of Melissa's (for me, at this time) exceptionally helpful talk can...
Connecting - Honestly!
How do you feel when someone, anyone, rushes past you saying "Hi, how are you? Nice day isn't it?" Or when a cashier never takes 5...