Beware of Darkness
This is the 7th day of a flu I'm hosting. Since day 1, whenever I woke from a nap or night's sleep, I always expected at least a marked,...

Our "Self" - Both Sides
Our untrained, "everyday mind" constantly fabricates & maintains a "conceptual self", "small self" or "ego." When not distracted by this...

Simple, Practical Instructions
“Sayadaw U Tejaniya came up with these three, simple, very practical practice instructions: 1 check to see if right view is in the...

WHO is Suffering?
All our lives we get the highly confusing mixed message: "You're wonderful, just as you are" - THEN in the same breath: "But, you can do...

Nowhere to Run
As we see our own thoughts, self-talk, planned & spoken words, planned & actual behavior, more & more objectively and in greater &...

Ready or Not ...
Things, exactly as they are, just keep knocking at our sensory doors. If we don't open the door, reality will simply break down all our...

Shifting to Reality
When I was young, I was under the illusion of invincibility. I felt that old people belonged to a completely different species - that...

Your Pet & Healing
"One suggestion is to view your personality as a pet. It follows you around anyway, so give it a name and make friends with it. Keep it...

Humorous Wisdom
I meditate because: • evolution gave me a big brain, but it didn't come with an instruction manual. • life is too short and sitting slows...

Only Loving Awareness
“having arrived at the understanding that there is only awareness or presence, it becomes simultaneously clear that this has, in fact,...