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Walls & Speed Bumps

Even when we wholeheartedly wish to achieve or procede towards a worthy goal, we encounter obstacles to slow our "progress", or even block our path.

"From a practical standpoint ... any practice that undercuts self-cherishing will bring us closer to the 'pure perception' described in (Buddhist) literature. In this sense, meditations on love and compassion are particularly potent."

John Makransky. "Awakening through Love. Unveiling Your Deepest Goodness." Wisdom Publications, 2007.

How do you feel on reading the above quote? As Zen & MBSR teacher Melissa Blacker has said, profound teachings are "dark to the mind and radiant to the heart. They touch us somehow. We go ‘Oh yes!’ but then our minds come in immediately and go ‘What? What? Really? No!’"

We tend to erect defensive, intellectual walls ("excuses") between our hearts and the world, thinking it will keep us safer in a dangerous, uncaring world. Pacing change is healthy & normal, as long as we gently, resolutely persevere towards our worthy, meaningful goals. Rigid resistance (psychological rigidity), on the other hand, is pathological. See:

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