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Fearing the Dark ... & the Light

"Some people are set at rest by very little;

others find their satisfaction in religion;

some require more. It is not just peace of mind they must have,

but the great Peace, which brings with it the plentitude of the Spirit." Sufi Master Ahmad Al-Alawi

Richard P. Boyle. “Realizing Awakened Consciousness. Interviews with Buddhist Teachers and a New Perspective on the Mind.” Columbia University Press, NY, 2015.

Many of us are plagued by a feeling of persistent dissatisfaction, even if we've achieved and acquired most (or all) of the things we were sure would make us happy. Despite this constant gnawing frustration, many of us will remain on autopilot throughout life, aiming no higher than to be as comfortable as possible. A very common, cynical assumption is that Freud's "ordinary unhappiness" is as good as life can be.

‘‘We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark.

The real tragedy is when (adults) are afraid of the light.’’ Plato

"for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 3:2

The "great Peace", "awakened consciousness" or "enlightenment" is a qualitative different level of consciousness hard-wired into the human brain. Serious practice progressively strengthens neural circuits to more readily access & increasingly stabilize at this level. The old circuitry of "ordinary consciousness" remains available, when appropriate.

All wisdom traditions tell us that profound re-engagement with who we really are, and reality as it actually is, is immediately accessible - the only "place" where we truly feel at home.

Luckett's Winery, Nova Scotia

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