What is Freedom?
“Vaguely I began to realize that she was my double – myself as a five-year-old girl. As she kept walking slowly toward me, I knew that...
Fearing the Dark ... & the Light
"Some people are set at rest by very little; others find their satisfaction in religion; some require more. It is not just peace of mind...
Head Games vs Direct Engagement
“study without practice is like a ladle in a pot of soup. The ladle is in the pot of soup every day, but it does not know the taste of...
Ordinary vs Awakened Consciousness 1
Most of us operate in "ordinary consciousness" most (not all) of the time. At this level, we experience "consensus" or "conventional...
Language & the Filter of Social Reality
Some 200,000 years ago, “we invented language and began to talk. As we talked with each other, we began constructing symbolically...