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Only Loving Awareness

“having arrived at the understanding that there is only awareness or presence, it becomes simultaneously clear that this has, in fact, always been the case, even if it was not noticed. So, looking now from this new perspective of presence, we see that what was an apparent unfolding of understanding from the point of view of the separate self was, in fact, an apparent dissolution of ignorance from the point of view of the mind.

In other words, instead of starting with the apparent reality of entities, objects, selves, others and the world, and looking towards awareness, we now take our stand knowingly as awareness and see how the mind, arising within awareness, has built up a series of abstract and conceptual beliefs that confer apparent reality, solidity and independence on objects, others, the world etc.

As we abide knowingly as awareness, that is, as it stands knowingly as itself, un-seemingly-veiled by the abstract concepts of the dualising mind, we discover that it is not a void, an emptiness. It is not ‘nothing’. It is only referred to as ‘nothing’ at times, in contrast to the belief in the reality of ‘things’. From that point of view it is nothing, not-a-thing, in contrast to ‘something’.

However, from the point of view of experience, it is fullness itself – full of itself alone. This fullness is known as love for there is no room there for any other. In other words, we could say that love is the substance for all seeming things and, once it has become clear that there is no real things, as such, we could simply say that love is.

The movement in understanding from ‘I am something’ to ‘I am nothing’ could be called the path of wisdom or discrimination. The movement in understanding from ‘I am nothing’ through ‘I am everything’ to simply ‘I’, could be called the path of love.”

Rupert Spira. “Presence, Volume II: The Intimacy of All Experience.” Non-duality Press, Salisbury, UK, 2011.

Rumi quote

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