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The Hurrier I Goes ...

"The hurrier I goes,

the behinder I gets."

This old adage is surprisingly wise. Whether we're driven by caffeine, anger or even (especially?) a perfectly good intention, when we're "on a mission", highly energized to accomplish something ASAP, we're not at our best. It's relatively easy to recognize this when trying to accomplish something for our self; very elusive when trying to be altruistic.

The urgency to get it done, once and for all is a big part of the problem:!Striving/c17jj/578e03190cf256540e9e3706 Is anything ever really accomplished once and for all? Wasn't WW1 "the war to end all wars"? How about the "wars on": poverty, cancer, drugs etc etc? Aren't all of these first & foremost, deeply personal individual problems? Isn't it just part of the silly, but ever-so-sticky story we tell ourselves "If only I can have (or, can avoid) X, THEN I'll be happy"?

Our behavior is clearly the outward manifestation of our inner condition. Our actions are qualitatively different when arising from deep inner stillness & silence, rather than a troubled heart-mind desperate to acquire or avoid. We can cultivate awareness of our inner state of being and make sure that our speech or action arises from awareness not from conditioning.

Even while the surface of our being is troubled, we can definitely learn to center ourselves in & behave from the deeper, calmer, clearer & wiser aspect of our being.

Deeper Dimensions

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