"Go for the Gusto!"
'Going for the gusto' is about going out & doing the things you've always wanted to do with vim & vigor, for maximum pleasure & vigorous enjoyment; committing and following through with your desires of life.
Of course our desires change a lot over a lifespan - much of what we considered incredibly wonderful at a very young age is just silly or maybe even dangerous later on in life. Similarly as teens or young adults we may be reckless, fearless, idealistic, even anarchistic, ignoring consequences to ourselves or others.
By middle age, most of us have become thoroughly tamed by society, and may be surprised to find ourselves labelled "gutless chicken shits" by the current crop of reckless, fearless, idealistic youth. This is when middle-age craziness flourishes: running off with a much younger new partner, buying a Harley, obsessively pursuing a whole 'bucket-list' of other egocentric experiences.
By our 60's, our youthful hunger to act out, as well as our middle-aged self-indulgent zeal have hopefully both been outgrown, put to rest, and replaced with a more age- & stage-appropriate energy: the search for transcendent wisdom. Of course this doesn't happen to everyone, nor even to most of us. But the original hunger in our gut throughout our life can now actually be quenched, but only if we take 'the road less traveled':
“The movement in understanding from ‘I am something’ to ‘I am nothing’ could be called the path of wisdom or discrimination. The movement in understanding from ‘I am nothing’ through ‘I am everything’ to simply ‘I’, could be called the path of love.” Rupert Spira. “Presence, Volume II: The Intimacy of All Experience.” Non-duality Press, Salisbury, UK, 2011.