"Go for the Gusto!"
'Going for the gusto' is about going out & doing the things you've always wanted to do with vim & vigor, for maximum pleasure & vigorous...
Meaning through Helplessness
“Most important, however, is the third avenue to meaning in life: even the helpless victim of a hopeless situation, facing a fate he...
Experiencing Meaning
The second path by which one can arrive at meaning in life is: "experiencing something or encountering someone; in other words, meaning...
I saw a movie in which the characters did all sorts of miserable things to each other, up to and including murder. But the strikingly...
Not Alone
"Now we lived in the midst of the great passage from life to death. Yet each day passed, as ordinary as the previous one. I sensed how...
Transcending Fear
“When it is indubitably recognized that your nature and the nature of the absolute are fundamentally the same, indivisible nature, this...
Meditation's Potential
Depth of engagement with meditation varies greatly among individuals. Often initially, there's only a brief, passing intellectual...
When Pain is Unbearable
Pain of varying severity, whether it seems to primarily arise from the body or the mind, is inevitable. Physical pain can be so intense...