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Defensive Reactions to Healthy Evolution

Our fight-flight-freeze reaction pattern to stress also affects how we manage the evolution of our own consciousness ("spirituality" for short).


Many men, and increasing numbers of women, forcefully suppress their anxieties - bulldozing their way through people & situations that they fear. Many of us armour our hearts to battle a (presumed) hostile universe. So fear tries to hide behind disguises: anger, aggression, bullying, impatience, self-centeredness, workaholism, etc.

This gung-ho, GI-Joe tendency launches folks "110%" into spirituality (OR away from spirituality, in any other direction eg scientism - see: Energetic, grit-your-teeth approaches to spirituality are acutely goal-oriented - enlightenment now or bust! There are all sorts of slick TV evangelists and other cults ready, willing & able to take advantage of those afflicted with spiritual materialism. Even some legitimate pathways, such as Zen, preferentially attract "driven" personalities, today as in the past (samurai).


For some of us, keeping stress to an absolute minimum is the first priority. Avoidance - running from challenging people and situations - can be a full-time job. It's quite remarkable how difficult it is to get hold of some of these people, despite all sorts of communication devices. Few people say "no" any more - they just never seem to be around or to "get to it."

Avoiding serious engagement with a path to evolve one's consciousness is often accomplished by becoming a member of a "comfortable" religious group, where transformative change is neither encouraged nor expected. It's like buying a gym membership, but never working out - great for the gym, but of no real benefit to members.


Some folks are just stymied by stress. They temporarily escape by getting swept-up in confusion, delusion, cynicism, indecision, aloofness etc.

Many folks remain permanently undecided & maybe shop around & dabble in various traditions, "don't know what to think", or assume a pseudointellectual cynical identity. Newfoundlanders might describe this as "right stunned" and suggest "get off the pot!" There are many well-travelled paths towards developing character, a meaningful life, "the hero's journey", spirituality, awakening, enlightenment - many names for the same essential journey of discovering who we are and what we're doing here. It's tragic to miss out on fully engaging with the essence of life.

Psychosocialspiritual maturation is NORMAL & HEALTHY, so these primitive defensive reactions against it are, at best, inappropriate. As in any type of training, the ideal pace is just past one's comfort zone to keep it stimulating / interesting, but not so fast as to be stressful / frustrating. Regardless of our natural proclivities, traits, idiosyncracies & neuroses, we need to learn to get past (transcend) ourselves, and seriously pursue, AT A HEALTHY PACE, with expert guidance, intentional, intelligent evolution of our consciousness.

Why don't the boys have hearts ???

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