"Self-portraits" try to expose enough personal & unique aspects of personality to create interest. At the same time, enough of the...
Whose Thinking, Speech & Actions?
How many times are we surprised & wonder: 'How could I possibly think that?'; 'What got into me to say that?'; or 'I cannot believe I...
Preparing to See More Clearly
If we're honest, most of us find Zen masters', mystics' & saints' behaviors & writings incomprehensible, counter-cultural, unnatural...
Aversion, Greed or Delusion?
What's your main schtick? Are you predominantly • Trying to avoid incompatible, unpleasant or toxic things, situations, people? OR •...
Here, Now AND Far Away
The story we tell ourselves about the world & ourselves is how we perceive & understand these. Though we each contribute some unique...
Worldview - Maturity Level - Impacts
Developmental psychology and wisdom traditions understand our consciousness or worldview can, ideally, continue to evolve or mature to...
Releasing "Our" Story
IF we held "the story of me" more lightly, took it less personally, perhaps with a playful sense of humor, patience and kindness we might...
Defensive Reactions to Healthy Evolution
Our fight-flight-freeze reaction pattern to stress also affects how we manage the evolution of our own consciousness ("spirituality" for...
Caveman AND Evolving Human
Triumphalism is the attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, religion, culture, or social system is superior to and should triumph...
Language & the Filter of Social Reality
Some 200,000 years ago, “we invented language and began to talk. As we talked with each other, we began constructing symbolically...