Parents tend to tell their young children Disneyfied stories to make them feel happy & safe. Teenagers & young adults tend to have...
Wave on Ocean
At some level we're well aware of the ever-changing, stressful, unsatisfactory nature of life. Buddhist psychology calls this "dukkha."...
Sense of Self - Healthy or Unhealthy?
A healthy, quiet ego, is a sense of self that's more like a verb than a noun, and is necessary in order to function effectively in daily...
Anxious Impatience
A few years ago, research showed that the average university student doing research on the web read an average of one-and-a-half lines of...
Neurosis - Reifying 'I' & 'Mine'
"From a Buddhist perspective, neurosis refers to our experience of suffering based on a mistaken perception that the 'I' or 'self' is a...
Taking Life's Journey Seriously
Deep engagement with life, via any one of the world's wisdom traditions, promises not merely a bit of relief & comfort (palliation), but...
Direction of Attention
"Wherever you are, just try being the host. You will always be at home." Linji Yixuan Peace & happiness come...
Connecting - Honestly!
How do you feel when someone, anyone, rushes past you saying "Hi, how are you? Nice day isn't it?" Or when a cashier never takes 5...