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Taking Life's Journey Seriously

Deep engagement with life, via any one of the world's wisdom traditions, promises not merely a bit of relief & comfort (palliation), but transformation (cure) - "a complete shift of paradigms, a total reorganization of perception. ... a merging with and an abiding within reality."

Like Rodney Smith, "Buddhism is my spiritual home, but it is not the only guide available. I will frequently reference Buddhism because that is what I know, but I call upon the reader to find verses from his or her own system to lead him or her forward. Every tradition offers the reassurance of those who have safely gone before, but that does little to diminish the fear and trepidation almost all of us feel as we journey the path alone. This is ultimately a path through our aloneness that ends within the unifying stillness of all things.”

Rodney Smith. “Awakening. A Paradigm Shift of the Heart.” Shambhala, Boston, 2014.

Public Gardens, Halifax

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