Clarity of Vision
The primary objective of mindfulness meditation practice is to see things clearly - as they actually are. Many of us start practicing...
Whose Thinking, Speech & Actions?
How many times are we surprised & wonder: 'How could I possibly think that?'; 'What got into me to say that?'; or 'I cannot believe I...
What's it all about?
Our consumer culture is almost exclusively about materialism & self-centeredness. This contrasts sharply with deep, meaningful living...
Aversion, Greed or Delusion?
What's your main schtick? Are you predominantly • Trying to avoid incompatible, unpleasant or toxic things, situations, people? OR •...
Over Thinking?
The untrained mind doggedly, compulsively returns to a few favourite themes. The up (adaptive) side: these "stories of me" serve to...
Just This? Now??
"The key activity of modern Western psychotherapy is to enhance the experience of the observing self, discriminating it from the contents...
Beyond Words, Ideas & Images ...
What is that "veil" between ourselves & reality? Can we perceive reality directly? "If we're living from the standpoint of a self-image...
Small Transient Clouds - Vast Open Sky
“To genuinely understand the cause of suffering and our potential release and freedom from it, we have to look very closely at this root...
Seeking Authenticity
We waste so much time & energy striving to get elsewhere - hoping that once we get there, we'll be happy, fulfilled. This means rarely...
Only A Dream
"Oh but it was only a dream, oh what a dream." Van Morrison "Only A Dream" On waking this morning, I saw with...