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Flowering Universe

"Growth fundamentally means an enlarging and expanding of one's horizons, a growth of one's boundaries, outwardly in perspective & inwardly in depth. ... Growth is reapportionment; re-zoning; re-mapping; an acknowledgment, and then enrichment, of ever deeper and more encompassing levels of one's own self."

Ken Wilber. "No boundary. Eastern and Western approaches to personal growth." Shambhala, Boston, 1979.

"All concepts setting boundaries to what we term the self are arbitrary. In the systems view, we consist of and are sustained by interweaving currents of matter, energy, and information that flow through us interconnecting us with our environment and other beings. Yet, we are accustomed to identifying ourselves only with that small arc of the flow-through that is lit, like the narrow beam of a flashlight, by our individual subjective awareness. But we don't have to so limit our self-perceptions... It is as plausible to align our identity with the larger pattern, interexistent with all beings, as to break off one segment of the process and build our borders there." Joanna Macy

“So long as one is merely on the surface of things, they are always imperfect, unsatisfactory, incomplete. Penetrate into the substance and everything is perfect, complete, whole.”

Phillip Kapleau. “The Zen of Living and Dying. A Practical and Spiritual Guide.” Shambhala, Boston, 1998.

All is well,

All is well,

All manner of things is well. Julian of Norwich - paraphrased

All are nothing but flowers in a flowering universe. Nakagawa Soen-Roshi

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