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Getting Through

Effective communication, especially today, is very challenging. We're bombarded by constant, overwhelming volume of mostly irrelevant & skewed newstertainment, distractions, texts & other messages bleeping at us from the smartphones in our pockets no matter where we are or what we're doing. We're becoming hostile to any additional information coming at us.

As a result, even well-intentioned messages from close relatives tend to be carelessly glanced at or "filed" for future consideration (good luck!).

So a blog like this is like putting a message in a bottle & setting it adrift on the ocean of cyberspace. The few "hits" may be from a "bot", or a harried student researching a paper, who (research shows) reads the first line & a half, before hopping onto the next site. St. John the Baptist was famously "crying in the wilderness" - preaching to the blowing sands. At least he saw his audience (or lack thereof) face-to-face.

Active, deep listening is a rare & precious thing of beauty. Too few among us are able to appreciate lessons held in a field even slightly outside of our narrow area of interest. In this age of limitless "stuff" of every type, we must learn to be scrupulously selective & prioritize our time & energy for what is truly valuable. Yet we have so much to learn, and so little time:

Wordless eye-to-eye communication

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