Energies to Ride!
All sorts of different people, situations, even our own thoughts "push our buttons" many times each day. As a result, varying amounts of...
Too Insulated?
Some older homes, even today, have so little insulation that you can feel winds blowing indoors, near (closed) windows and doors. New...
Why Not?
" 'At L'Arche, I finally figured out what it is that they have, and it's pretty close to the top of the line. They have open hearts,' Hob...
Authenticity & Stress
Perhaps the most divisive event to come between two people, or between an individual and a group, is, oddly enough, normal healthy...
Meditation's Potential
Depth of engagement with meditation varies greatly among individuals. Often initially, there's only a brief, passing intellectual...
"When the Bullet Hits the Bone"
How will I respond when - not if - when I face death? "Hob", a man with a deep, longstanding spiritual practice, responded like this:...