Meditation - What? & Why?
“Meditation is a science, the systematic process of training the mind. It is the science of meditation that allows people from all walks...
What Matters?
"The most important thing we can ever do is realize that everything we do matters." Jane Goodall By "do", I'd...
Energies to Ride - Part 2
We keep slipping into energy-draining states completely seamlessly, totally unaware of what's happening. But as soon as we notice our...
Energies to Ride!
All sorts of different people, situations, even our own thoughts "push our buttons" many times each day. As a result, varying amounts of...
Comfort? Where?
The minimal basis of normal consciousness & mental health, from a medical standpoint, is orientation in space and time - ability to...
Wave on Ocean
At some level we're well aware of the ever-changing, stressful, unsatisfactory nature of life. Buddhist psychology calls this "dukkha."...
What is "Normal" Development?
We can refer to what is developing or maturing as a noun: character or ego, or instead use adjectives: psychosocial or...
"Letting Words & Images Be" ... Why?
It's fascinating to spend quality time with a young pre-verbal child (a perk of grandparenthood). They can learn amazingly quickly, yet...
Beyond Words, Ideas & Images ...
What is that "veil" between ourselves & reality? Can we perceive reality directly? "If we're living from the standpoint of a self-image...
Entertainment & Nourishment
Below, a brief quote from a fascinating commentary on the respective roles of: • schlock entertainment, which comforts & lulls us to...